What is the Pregnancy Miracle?

Friday, 20 January 2012

The “Pregnancy Miracle” is one woman’s answer to the problem of infertility. The program was developed by a woman who was diagnosed with infertility, but refused to take that as the definitive answer to not having children. She was determined to find an answer and cure without using drugs, surgery or other invasive methods to her infertility and set out upon the road of research and learning.

What this woman discovered was the answer to her prayers and is now a very happy mom with two healthy children, thanks to the answers she found during her many years of research. Lisa Olson, author of the book “Pregnancy Miracle” is an alternate health and nutrition specialist, Chinese medicine researcher and a health consultant.

Her methods will help women become pregnant naturally within 2 months and allow moms to give birth to healthy children.  The information in her book will couples how to deal with both male and female infertility issues and successfully reverse the causes. Her methods are proven to work no matter of age or cause of infertility. It does not matter if you suffer from a tubal obstruction; suffer from high levels of FSH, PCOS or endometriosis. Ms. Olson’s methods will work even if you have uterus scarring or fibroids, ovarian cysts or just plain lazy ovaries. A history of miscarriages or a male partner with low sperm count is no longer a problem when using Ms. Olson’s methods. Her methods are all natural and do not use drugs, IVF or IUI procedures.

Lisa Olson’s methods are proven to work and were derived from more than 65,000 hours of research over 14 years. She researched holistic and Chinese medicines, along with holistic methods to becoming pregnant and formulated the plan that she used herself to become pregnant not only once, but twice.

One of the most important pieces of pregnancy information Ms. Olson found was that pharmaceutical and drug companies are making big bucks by peddling expensive drugs. They are taking advantage of people’s desperation to become pregnant. Another discovery Ms. Olson made during her research is treating infertility with current methods could possibly do more damage to your reproductive system than providing help.

Women who take infertility drugs are at higher risk to develop ovarian cancer, according to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine. The results of that study validate the concern some medical specialist has had regarding drugs and infertility since the beginning of time. Of course, that study was highly criticized by the $1 billion dollars a year infertility industry.

Infertility is due to some imbalance in the reproduction system, and it is a warning that something is not quite right within. When that imbalance occurs, the human body is smart enough to know conditions are not quite right for a new baby and the defense is infertility. The natural way to correct infertility is to find the cause and reverse the hormonal dysfunction and restore the natural balance of the reproduction environment, making your body more susceptible to becoming pregnant.

Sometimes, infertility medications will block that warning and not do anything to fix the fertility problem. Not fixing what is wrong can lead to worsening health risks and do nothing for the problem of infertility. The cause is not being addressed, but the infertility defense is removed. The best way to fix infertility is to listen to your body and not the $1 billion pharmaceutical industry.

Because of her success with natural pregnancy, Ms. Olson decided to share her know how with other women and their partners who suffer the heartbreak of infertility. Ms. Olsen’s 260 page book is jam packed with everything you need to know about overcoming infertility. Her methods have been used by thousands of women around the world, and those women have successfully given birth to healthy children. Ms Olsen reveals all the secrets and leaves no stone unturned when discussing infertility and how to fix the system.

Pregnancy Miracle: A Natural Infertility Cure

Friday, 30 September 2011

Lisa Olson offers women who cannot become pregnant, due to infertility, something medical science cannot always offer, and that is the chance to reverse infertility and enable a woman to become pregnant and give birth to a happy healthy baby. The methods are completely natural and holistic and do not include using harmful medication.

Not one to take no for an answer, Ms. Olson used her own experience with infertility to find a way to make the joys of motherhood happen. She poured all her knowledge into a neat package and offers it to women with similar experiences with infertility.  Many thousands of hours went into research and the compilation of that research is a book entitled “Pregnancy Miracle.”

Pregnancy Miracle Offers Something Different

Ms. Olson’s book offers something different than the everyday run of the mill infertility books. Ms. Olson’s book offers real hope based on real evidence. The infertility fix comes in the form of rebalancing rather than fixing. The methods do not include surgery, medications or IVF or IUI treatments. The methods are 100% natural and help eliminate the cause of infertility while enhancing the reproductive system.

Pregnancy Miracle Offers 75% Success Rate

“The Pregnancy Miracle” does not provide an instantaneous fix. The eBook provides the necessary methods and steps, and the reader provides the focus, dedication and desire to become pregnant. More than 75% of the women who follow the plan provided by Ms. Olson, have had success and given birth to healthy babies.

Safe, Easy And Effective

“Pregnancy Miracle” by Lisa Olson is a 5 step method based on holistic and Chinese principles clinically proven to reverse infertility disorders. The book presents the material in an easy to follow format and also includes easy to follow diagrams and illustrations. The methods are natural and safe and do not include harmful medications or surgery. MS. Olson also includes the necessary guidelines to customize the strategies and methods to adapt to an individual situation.

The Pregnancy Miracle Book includes nutritional information, as well as, a list of the best foods to eat to increase fertility and the foods that have a negative effect on fertility and should be avoided. The methods also work for men, as well as, women and together, the problem of infertility can be reversed. Discover more in this Pregnancy Miracle Review. The purchase of the eBook also includes private email counseling with Ms. Olson.